Niche Property Investments in Fresno: 3 Unconventional Choices in Fresno

Real estate investing in a great way to generate extra income. Many people are opting for Niche Property Investments in Fresno… investments you don’t see every day and don’t immediately expect to be high-income producers. However, niche markets offer less competition and sometimes higher profits. Find a few of our favorite examples below. Niche Property … Continued

How To Find and Form an Investing Partnership in Fresno CA

A great way to get into real estate Investing Partnership in Fresno is to work with other people who have been there before. But how do you go about finding a people to partner with you? In our latest post, we will talk about how to find and form an Investing Partnership in Fresno. Who … Continued

Rules For Buying Investment Property in Kingsburg

Buying Investment Property in Kingsburg is a great way to make additional income for you and your family. Different investors use different calculation methods to determine if an investment is right for them. Before you make any large investments, take into consideration our rules for Buying Investment Property in Kingsburg! Location, Location, Location Yes, this … Continued

Pro’s and Con’s to Using a Buyers Agent in Kingsburg

When buying a Kingsburg house you have options! Some people choose a direct sale, others prefer to work with an agent. Just like properties are different, every situation is different too. Some people know exactly what they want, others need some time to compare multiple homes. Are you looking to purchase a home in Kingsburg? … Continued

5 Tips for the First Time Real Estate Investor in Fresno

Starting your real estate portfolio can seem like a bit of a challenge. But once you learn a few tips, First Time Real Estate Investor in Fresno. We have put together 5 tips to help the First Time Real Estate Investor in Fresno make their first investment! Tip #1: Do your own research, and never, … Continued

How to find good investment property in Fresno

Lots of investors are looking to get started, and as active real estate experts in Fresno CA, we get asked to share our secrets quite a bit. Fortunately, we love to share 🙂 One of the biggest questions we get from local investors is ” How to find good investment property in Fresno CA?” With the flood … Continued

Real estate investing Resources in Fresno

So you wanna get started investing in Fresno and you’re checking things out, eh? Good for you. Always do your homework and you won’t get schooled. Here’s some great tools that we’ve found and we use from time to time and great real estate investing resources in Fresno for investors here locally to tap into … Continued

How to find foreclosures in Fresno CA

There’s a lot of competition to find great deals on local Fresno CA foreclosure properties. Finding them is only one part of the process – you also need to know how to capture them. Here are a few secrets from the pros that we’ve used with great success on how to find great foreclosure deals in Fresno. … Continued

How to bid on a short sale property

Short sale properties can be a great source of income for investors, and a great deal for home buyers. It’s important to keep in mind that a short sale is one where the bank has approved a loss on a current loan. They’re losing money, so they want to unload. Generally the current owner is in a rough … Continued

Keys To Building A Passive Cash Flow With Turnkey Property

Thinking about investing in turnkey properties? Make sure you read this article which reveals the 5 secret keys to building a passive cash flow with turnkey property – which works here in the 93611 zip code, and elsewhere. Most people work their whole lives and then retire at 65 with little to show for it. … Continued

How to Find Turnkey Rentals In Fresno

Want to invest in turnkey properties? Of course, you do because they make a great addition to any portfolio. In this blog post we’re sharing how to find turnkey rentals in Fresno… Turnkey rental properties are a great addition to any investor’s portfolio – they’re hands off, they’re simple to own, and they provide cash … Continued